Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Resposibilities of a Team Leader Essay

My role is within the finance function and I supervise one Team Administrator but I do often take the lead within finance projects. I currently work in Personal Care and Support within Runnymede Social Care Team. The team delivers social care services for people aged 18 +. . Responsibilities of a Team Leader 1.To be responsible and accountable for the work and productivity of the team A team manager needs to be responsible for decisions made which guide the team to complete tasks. Decisions are normally made by gathering information and requesting feedback. However, there are time when it will be necessary, due to short time constraints that a Team Leader will need to make a decision on the spot using their own knowledge and experience. 2.To be aware of policies and procedures and to communicate any changes to staff Team Leaders need to be aware of policies and procedures to be able to guide staff to complete tasks within the remit of the department and County Council. They should also make staff aware of any changes. 3.Solve issues, conflict within the team and dealing with under performance. Team Leaders need to put measures in place to deal with underperformance. This should involve discussion with the individual involved, setting short term goals and monitoring progress. Any training needs should be identified and appropriate action taken to ensure the individual is equipped to complete the tasks required. 4.Chair Team Meetings Team Leaders should chair effective meetings by giving clear instructions when necessary, listening to and acting upon feed back and issuing a record of the meeting with action points for relevant staff with clear deadlines. Two examples which would need higher authority. 1. A team member wishes to undertake training which is not organised by Surrey County Council. The expenditure would have to be authorised by a senior manager. 2. If issues could not be solved with under performance in an informal basis then a senior manager would need to make the decision to take a formal route. Feedback on own performance I receive feedback on my own performance within my appraisal last April. Goals were agreed and monitored throughout the year. A strength that was identified was my ability to meet tight deadlines demonstrated by my completion on our â€Å"month end† process by the deadline each month. An area for improvement is my lack of confidence at public speaking. I am required to complete finance inductions with Care Managers and I found myself getting flustered and not sounding confident in my knowledge. Establishing Trust Trust can be established by effective communication and acting upon any issues with the team or individuals. Communicating openly and honestly without distorting information keeping promises and commitments.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Health drinks Essay

In India Consumers behavior towards purchase of food drink products like beverage are changing due to economic and personal factors. Once if we compare last five years the prices of beverage products, it could be noted that there is an increase. The major reasons for the increase in the sales of food drinks are due to the increased consumption level among the customers. On an average an individual would consume these products two to three times in a day. Moreover, the prices were also designed in such a manner by the manufacturers making it possible so that every consumer from different segment based on their demographic and geographical patterns could be able to make the purchase. In effect it influences the consumers at large to opt for non-branded and cheap products that are available in the marketplace. This work was undertaken with an object to identify the pattern of purchase by the consumers, factors that dominate and influence the consumers to purchase the products and lastly the impact of demographic factors on the purchase of health food drinks consumption in the study area. The study clearly shows that demographic factors like gender, place of purchase are largely influence the consumers while they purchase beverage products in the shops. Clanging consumerism is the biggest factor that plays a major role as for as consumers purchase behavior is concern. KEYWORDS Health Food and Soft Drinks, Demographic Factors, Purchase, Beverages, Consumer Behaviour, Corporate, Leverage, Consumerism, Consumption. INTRODUCTION Changing consumer behaviour is the biggest challenge for any corporate beverage companies especially for companies like Tata, ITC etc. This is mainly due factors that influence the consumers while purchasing beverage products. For instance, factors such as offers, discount etc. , often increase the purchase. Health food drink products like beverages (hot and cold) are major items that consumer purchase as they consume beverage products not less than two to three times a day. According to the consumers demographic factors like Gender, Age, Educational Status, Marital Status, Occupation, Domicile, and Shopping Destinations often influence consumers while purchasing health food drink products. SCOPE OF THE STUDY The study aims to find the customer preferences towards health food drink products. It has been carried out for period of 2 months focusing all type of consumers. It was restricted to information regarding the demographic profile of the consumers and questions regarding four P’s of marketing tools. OBJECTIVES OF RESEARCH To understand the overall purchase pattern of the beverages by the consumers. To identify the level of influence various factor dominate the consumers. To have an insight about prepurchase behavior of consumers. To understand the impact of demographic factors of consumers upon purchase beverage products. RESEARCH DESIGN A Research design is process of collection and analysis of data in a manner that aims to combine relevance to the research purpose with economic aspect involved in mind. A Research is purely and simply the framework and a plan for the study that guides the collection and analysis of data. It is a blue print followed in completing a study which contains the steps as: Research is an art of scientific investigation. Research is a process of systemic study. Research is a search of knowledge. Research is an area of investigation which includes collection, analysis and interpretation of data. Research has to proceed systematically in the already planned direction with the help of a number of steps in sequence. To make the research systemized the researcher has to adopt certain methods. The method adopted by the researcher for completing the project is called Research Methodology. DATA COLLECTION METHODOLOGY AND Data refers to information or facts. It is not only refers numerical figures but also include descriptive facts. The method of data collection includes two types for the study, such as primary data and secondary data. PRIMARY DATA COLLECTION METHOD The primary was collected with the help of a structured questionnaire directly from consumers through personal interview. The questionnaire contains questions that suit the objectives of the study. The questions will help to draw the information A Study On Consumers Buying Habits Towards Health Food Drink Products In Salem District Tamilnadu – Mr. P. Arun relating to purchase pattern of beverage products by the consumers. The Primary data was collected with a set of specific objective to assess the current status of variables considered for the study. Primary data is useful and applicable only for a specific time. and previous reports, magazines, sales vouchers etc. DATA ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION MULTI-DISCRIMINANT FUNCTION ANALYSIS METHODS OF PRIMARY DATA COLLECTION The performance of buying behaviour varies by the different stages of influence. In the study area out of 106 respondents divided into two groups, one is low level of influencer and high level of influencer. For the purpose of the study 7 variables were selected. Although there are several methods are being used for collecting primary data, questionnaire and interview methods has been employed in this study. SECONDARY DATA Gender Age Educational Status Marital Status Occupation Living Place Place of Shopping It was used mainly to support the primary data. Secondary data was collected from sources such as through books, annual reports, significant, available literatures from organization TABLE No. 1 – SUMMARY TABLE BETWEEN LOW INFLUENCER AND HIGH INFLUENCER GROUPS STEP 1. 2. VARIABLE ENTERED Gender Place of purchase WILK’S LAMBDA 0. 955 0. 909 MINIMUM D2 SIGNIFICANCE 0. 222 0. 471 ** * *. Significant at 1% level, ** Significant at 5% level, TABLE No. 2. – CANONICAL DISCRIMINANT FUNCTION CANONICAL CORRELATION 0. 302 WILKS LAMBDA 0. 909 The canonical correlation is 0. 302 when squared is 0. 091 that is 9. 1% of the variance in the discriminant group can be accounted for by this model, Wilk’s Lambda and chi-square value suggest that D. F. is significant at 1% level. The variables given above are CHISQUARE 9. 711 D. F. SIG 2 Significant at 1% level identified finally by the D. F. A. as the eligible discriminating variables. Based on the selected variables the corresponding D. F. coefficients are calculated. They are given in the following table. TABLE NO. 3: DISCRIMINANT FUNCTION COEFFICIENTS Namex International Journal of Management Research 33 Vol. 2, Issue No. 2, July – December 2012. A Study On Consumers Buying Habits Towards Health Food Drink Products In Salem District Tamilnadu – Mr. P. Arun. VARIABLES COEFFICIENTS 1. 812 0. 777 4. 635 Gender Place of Purchase Constant The equation is: Z = – 4. 635+ 1. 812 (Gender) + 0. 777 (Place of purchase) The discriminating power or the contribution of each variable to the function can sufficiently. For this consider the following table. TABLE No. 4- RELATIVE DISCRIMINATING INDEX FACTORS Gender Place of Purchase GROUP 1 MEAN X1 1. 58 2. 90 GROUP2 MEAN X2 UNSTANDARDIZED DIC. COEFF. (kj) 1. 35 2. 55 1. 812 0. 777 Ij = ABS (Kj) MEAN (Xjo – x ji) 1. 24 0. 29 1. 53 Total Rj = Ij / sum Ij j*100 81. 0 19. 0 100. 0 This reclassification is called predictor group membership. In short, the efficiency of the D. F. is how correctly it predicts the respondents into respective groups. TABLE NO. 5 – CLASSIFICATION RESULTS PREDICTED GROUP MEMBERSHIP ACTUAL GROUP No. OF CASES GROUP I Group 1 (Low Influencer) Group 2 (High Influencer) 20 (64. 5%) 31 (41. 9%) 31 74 GROUP II 11 (35. 5%) 43 (58. 1%) Percent of grouped cases correctly classified: 60. 0%. The above table gives the results of the reclassification. The function, using the variables selected in the analysis classified 60. 0% of the cases correctly in the respective groups. low and high influencer. The following factors significantly discriminate the two influencer groups. They are: Gender (at 5% level) Place of purchase (at 1% level) Discriminate function analysis was applied to the respondents based on the TABLE NO. 6: DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILE OF RESPONDENTS (N=106) ITEM GENDER Male Female MARITAL STATUS Single Married NUMBER Namex International Journal of Management Research PERCENTAGE 61 45 58. 00 42. 00 21 84 19. 88 79. 25 34 Vol. 2, Issue No. 2, July – December 2012. A Study On Consumers Buying Habits Towards Health Food Drink Products In Salem District Tamilnadu – Mr. P. Arun Widow EDUCATIONAL STATUS Elementary School High School Graduate Post Graduate Doctoral Degree OCCUPATION Professional Worker Business Retired Staff House Wife PLACE Salem Omalur Mecheri Mettur Dam Kolathur The Present study is related to consumers’ behaviour on health food drinks in Salem area. In the constituted sample size of 106 respondents it was found there were 61. 33% professionals, 04. 71% workers, 30. 18% businessmen, 0. 94% retired staff and 02. 83% house wife. The distributions of consumers were found to be from locations such as Salem, Omalur, Mecheri, Mettur Dam and Kolathur. From the above table it could be seen that 34. 91 % of consumers were from Kolathur, 31. 33% of consumers were from Mettur 01 0. 94 09 12 23 55 04 08. 49 11. 33 21. 69 51. 89 03. 78 65 05 32 01 03 61. 33 04. 71 30. 18 0. 94 02. 83 25 01 10 33 37 23. 59 09. 44 09. 44 31. 33 34. 91 doctoral. With respect to the occupation of the respondents was concerned, 61. 33% were professional, 30. 18 were business person and remaining 6% were worker, retired staff and house wives. STATISTICAL TOOLS APPLIED The primary data collected through interview schedule from 106 respondents. The statistical tool applied is multi discriminant analyses were used for this study. FINDINGS Dam, 23. 59% of consumers were from Salem City, 9. 44% of consumers were from Mecheri and the remaining 0. 94% of consumers were from Omalur. The gender distributions of consumers in the study, it is noted 58% of the respondents were male and the remaining 42% were female. As for as education qualification of the consumer was concerned, there were 51. 89% post graduate, 21. 69% graduate, 11. 33% high school level, 8. 49% elementary school level and the remaining 3. 78% Namex International Journal of Management Research The study shows the following findings. It’s clearly shows that the below gender and place were significantly differed: Gender (at 5% level) Place of purchase (at 1% level) CONCLUSION The study clearly shows that demographic factors like gender, place 35 Vol. 2, Issue No. 2, July – December 2012. A Study On Consumers Buying Habits Towards Health Food Drink Products In Salem District Tamilnadu – Mr. P. Arun of purchase are largely influence the consumers while they purchase beverage products in the shops. Clanging consumerism is the biggest factor that plays a major role as for as consumers purchase behavior is concern. REFERENCES Ogden CL, Carroll MD, Curtin LR, McDowell MA, Tabak CJ, Flegal KM. Prevalence Of Overweight. And Obesity In The United States, 1999–2004. JAMA. 2006; 295(13):1549–1555. [PubMed] The Surgeon General’s Call to Action to Prevent and Decrease Overweight and Obesity 2001. Rockville, MD: Office of the Surgeon General, Public Health Service, US Dept of Health and Human Services; 2001. Flegal KM, Graubard BI, Williamson DF, Gail MH. Excess deaths associated with underweight, overweight, and obesity. JAMA. 2005; 293(15):1861–1867. [PubMed]. Mokdad AH, Marks JS, Stroup DF, Gerberding JL. Actual causes of death in the United States, 2000. JAMA. 2004; 291(10):1238–1245. [PubMed]. Hedley AA, Ogden CL, Johnson CI, Carroll MD, Curtin LR, Flegal KM. Prevalence of overweight and obesity among US children, adolescents, and adults, 1999– 2002. JAMA. 2004; 291(23):2847–2850. [PubMed]. National Initiative for Children’s Healthcare Quality. Expert Committee recommendations on assessment, prevention, and treatment of child and adolescent overweight and obesity 2007. [Accessed January 27, 2008]. http://www. amaassn. org/ama1/pub/upload/mm/43 3/ped_obesity_recs. pdf. Johnston FE. Health implications of childhood obesity. Ann Intern Med. 1985; 103(6, pt 2):1068– 1072. [PubMed]. Namex International Journal of Management Research Serdula MK, Iver D, Coates RJ, Freedman DS, Williamson DF, Byers T. Do Obese Children Become Obese Adults? A review of the literature. Prev Med. 1993; 22(2):167–177. [PubMed]. Flegal KM, Carroll MD, Kuczmarski RJ, Johnson CL. Overweight And Obesity In The United States: Prevalence And Trends, 1960– 1994. Int. J. Obes. Relat Metab Disord. 1998; 22(1):39–47. [PubMed]. Sellers K, Russo T, Baker I, Dennison B. The Role Of Childcare Providers In The Prevention Of Childhood Overweight. J Early Child Res. 2005; 3(3):227–242. WEBSIGHTS www. yahoo. com. www. google. com. www. hul. co. in. 36 Vol. 2, Issue No. 2, July – December 2012.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Systematic and Universal Screenings for Children with Emotional and Research Paper

Systematic and Universal Screenings for Children with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders - Research Paper Example Screeners, for this matter, are the tools that lie beside this premise. Kalberg et al. (2010) through a multi-scholar inquiry ventured in testing a triad of special education interventions and examined its applicability. Their research that involved an elementary school in central Tennessee, USA implemented an academic screener called Curriculum-based Measurement, a behavioral assessment named Systematic Screening for Behavior Disorders and a personality evaluation tagged as Student Risk Screening Scale (Kalberg et al., 2010). The interventions they studied proved a positive outcome for the group’s endeavor. The three-tiered examination participated by 129 participants confirmed its effectiveness in determining students who were non-responsive to the initial prevention steps undertaken by the school (Kalberg et al., 2010). The investigation further noted that the â€Å"multifaceted sources of information about these students’ behavior can assist in improving their read ing skills and over-all personality† (Kalberg et al., 2010). A product of several trial-and-error processes, the models that these researchers offered passed the question of theory and practice and considerably reached a respectable standard. The importance of involving reliable criteria for making intelligent decisions based on screening tools should be executed in all educational settings. As a protocol-oriented endeavor, the proposal of Kahlberg’s team reached a certain level of acceptability in terms of these criteria. The standards were conceived upon methodical undertakings that focused on validity and reliability. The study also concluded that the said approach can â€Å"provide academic institutions with an organized process in meeting the various ever-changing academic, psychological and social needs of the students as they develop over time† (Kalberg et al., 2010). The authors strongly advocated for a cohesive and complete strategy based on the tri-leve l models of intervention that should be implemented in all special education schools (Kalberg et al., 2010, p. 577). This concluding statement contradicted the time-honored Systematic Screening for Behavior Disorders (SSBD), considered as the most cost-effective systematic screening tool; so that is before. More recent findings hold the merit in this case. II. Three-tiered Models of Support in Systematic Screening Another researched-based intervention undertaken by a team of scholars from Vanderbilt University sought to provide an illustrative triad of models of support to gauge the total risks that surface in a certain period of time and to determine who among the students need preventive interventions from the significant other. Lane et al. (2011) further examined several techniques in analyzing data obtained from the systematic screening to fully understand the children’s situations and eventually formulate an empiric course of action. The study found out that the â€Å"S tudent Risk Screening Scale (SRSS) is a cost-efficient, time-bounded and systematically effective tool in assessing risk for antisocial behavior in elementary-age pupils† (Lane et al., 2011). This screening instrument is particularly designed for detecting whether or not a child has the tendency to be passive or otherwise aggressive. Meanwhile, the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ), which is still a gauge on the child’

Sunday, July 28, 2019

The California Gold Rush Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The California Gold Rush - Essay Example On January 24, 1848, Marshall was testing the mill wheel. As usual, the water running over it carried some sand and light gravel. But this time Marshall saw something sparkling in the sand. He picked out some small, odd-shaped beads of yellow metal. (p. 6) As the beads were tested and turned out to be gold, Sutter and Marshall tried to keep the discovery quiet for fear that the plan of an agricultural empire would be ruined when people start pouring to mine. Word gradually spread about the discovery until a San Francisco newspaper run a series of stories declaring the discovery of gold – at first as news fillers and later as headlines which naturally fuelled the furor. Sam Brannan owned this newspaper called the California Star. According to Judy Monroe (2002) at first, he did not believe the news about gold either but soon he became convinced and that on April 1, 1848, he ran six pages of articles about how easy it was to find and collect California gold. (p. 16) The news then spread like wildfire and thousands flocked to California from the West in that same year alone. While people came to California in droves, their bulk came only from the neighboring states such as Tennessee. It was after the farewell speech of the then President James Polk that finally launched the California Gold Rush. In a calm explanation of the situation in California, Polk validated the future of those who already came and those multitudes who will go to find the riches in California. His exact words were: The accounts of the abundance of gold in that territory are of such an extraordinary character as would scarcely command belief were they not corroborated by the authentic reports of officers in the public service who have visited the mineral district and derived facts which they detail from personal observation†¦ The explorations already made warrant the belief that the supply is very large and that gold is found at various places in an extensive district

Saturday, July 27, 2019

UDIPTA (Uniform Division of Income for Tax Purposes Act) Essay

UDIPTA (Uniform Division of Income for Tax Purposes Act) - Essay Example The Act suggests a three factor approach to allocate business income of a tax payer using payroll, property and sales; it assigns equal weights on each of the three factors. Many states have adopted the act, but others have set their own acts or have simply applied only certain aspects of the act with respect to the treatment of non-business income. The state courts and taxing authorities have interpreted the uniform laws differently according to their differing definitions of business income. As a result, they have set new laws but apply the act in a clause and change it with regard to the different definition. Many of the states assign significant weight to the sales factor (Garrigan & Parsons 83-131). Revision of the act has led to the creation of the Multi-state Tax Compact that provides equitable apportioning tax bases and resolves apportionment disputes between states, and encourages uniform and compatible state tax systems and how to avoid duplicative taxation. This compact also includes the uniform act and its three-factor apportionment formula enacted by at least 20 states in the nation. Some states like Alabama have entirely adopted the UDITPA definitions of business income and non business income (UDITPA Sec 1(a) and (e) without modification. This is where business income comprises of incomes arising from transactions, regular activities of trade and business and acquisition, management and disposition of property. Non-business income means all income from allocation other than business income, which includes interest, dividends, and rents. Many states provide that rents received by a REIT (Real Estate Investment Trust) are a form of income generated in connection with a trade or business hence treated as business income. In places of multistate operations, the business income is divided among the states according to the proportion

Friday, July 26, 2019

Outline and explore the importance of a consumer-centric approach in Essay - 1

Outline and explore the importance of a consumer-centric approach in marketing - Essay Example As the number of customers increase, organization has a chance to increase their profits. Secondly, customer-value models play an important role in understanding the consumer behaviour which helps in design desirable products. Besides, customer based models seek to detect changes in customer behaviour patterns and hence helps the organization to adjust its business strategy. On this ground, customer-centric marketing approaches are crucial if organization have to remain profitable with the contemporary business environment. Marketing strategies within an organization has generated a lot of attention within the modern business environment. Marketing seeks to create product awareness within target markets as one way to ensure that customer understand products and are attracted to the organization distribution channels (Cheng & Dogan, 2008). Therefore, marketing ensures that companies push their products towards the customers, as one way of increasing sales within the market. Today, many organizations have appreciated that a customer-centric model is one of the best marketing strategies. A customer-centric marketing model puts customers at the heart of the business and all strategies are directed towards winning the customer (Niininen, Buhalis & March, 2007). The role of a customer within the modern market has increasing generated attention. With increase is competition within the modern markets, customers are becoming important factors while designing marketing strategies. As competition increases, the p rofits decrease and the consumer bargaining power increases in the market. Resultantly, organizations are competing for available customers to ensure that they survive the harsh market times when customers have many options to choose from. Generally, organizations that higher customer share within the market will survive while those that lose customers will eventually collapse. As such, customer based models of

Seven Oaks Shopping Centre Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Seven Oaks Shopping Centre - Essay Example With a number of food outlets and other service stores, the mall provides a stop point shop for all class of people. At least the mall has something to offer for the visiting customers. The available shops offer customers what they need and when they need it. It is a perfect place to relax, grab something to eat and meet for special occasions. The diverse portfolio in the mall is more than $8.7 billion of retail, industrial, office and other offices.  ¬1Located in Abbotsford, Seven oaks shopping centre neighbors a number of super built structures offering different services to the people. It borders Mill Lake Park on the south. The park is one 1.  Ross, Ian. "Housing Starts Build Banner Year under a Blue Sky."   March 1, 2005.of the attracting sites in Abbotsford. A number of people usually take time to relax in the park. Before visiting the park, at least visitors can visit the mall to buy snacks. The mill Lake Road offers a good connection to the shopping mall. The mall is al so close to the Abbotsford’s senior secondary school on Southwest and also Abbotsford Arts centre. There is also the Ravine Park that is connected to the mall by Bourquin crescent. The George Ferguson way connecting two main countries is also a plus to the mall since people travelling from the United States. The mall is also borders Real Canadian superstore, which is a source of some products being used in the mall.   Abbotsford is known for its unpredictable climatic conditions, it is however known for its cool climatic conditions.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Four hour in my lai Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Four hour in my lai - Movie Review Example The U.S. servicemen expressed their experiences and their remorse in participating in one of the tragic events in the U.S. history which included murdering of old men, women and even children and rape and torture of young women and girls at the hands of the trained military personnel. The Pinkville massacre as it was popularly referred to, occurred in an quiet little village in Central Vietnam, which suddenly found itself caught in the center of a bitter war between the Americans and the Vietcong – a pro-communist guerilla army that was resisting the American advancement in their country. The Charlie Co., was hence given an order to kill everyone in the village including old men, women and children as they were perceived to be sympathetic to the Vietcong and weren’t helping or assisting the Americans in the war. The prevalent sentiment within the warring camps was that anyone who wasn’t supporting the Americans was automatically perceived as an enemy and a threat to the national security. The uncovering of the actual brutalities during the war by a former American GI Ron Ridenhour spurred the investigation of the massacre culminating into a huge public outcry and national anguish. Disturbing comparisons were made between the Nazis and the bru talities caused by the Charlie Co., in Vietnam. The movie highlights the pervasive fear of the Americans of the communists and their need to control as the only defense against

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Macro and Micro Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Macro and Micro Analysis - Essay Example Biometrics technology has emerged as an effective weapon in this game, and identification of each and every individual entering a state and safeguard own territory from becoming a terrorist breeding ground or a target has become a foremost priority for the governments today. Singapore too has planned to embrace biometric technology in a big way with some pioneering measures and some hesitant ones. With its diverse demography, Singapore too needs to study implications of implementing this technology in contemporary security scenario in its neighbourhood. This study aims to analyse the relevance of using Biometric technologies in Singapore to collect, store and use this biometric information and personal particulars of its local residents and foreigners for security and other purposes. The two essential uses of Biometrics are verification and identification. While verification involves "one-to-one" matching to determine whether there is a match between the person's presented biometric and biometric templates in a database, identification involves "one-to-many" matching where available biometric is compared with a database to establish identity of a person. It could be positive, i.e. to establish biometric matching or negative, i.e. to establish biometric presented does not match with available database (Rosenzweig, Alane Kochems and Ari Schwartz, 2004). At present, there are about ten types of biometric technologies in use or under development. They are fingerprint scanning, iris scanning, facial scanning, voice recognition, hand and/or finger recognition, retina scanning, thermo scanning, signature recognition, keystroke dynamic recognition, and DNA comparison (Steve TAI, 2005). Some others being developed include hand veins, ear recognition, gait (way of walking), facial thermograms, odor and palm prints. The basic advantages for selection of biometrics technology include their uniqueness, permanence, collectivity, performance, acceptability and circumvention of techniques. The current preferred ones in Singapore are basic fingerprint, facial, and hand/finger scanning. STEPS ANALYSIS Now that we are aware of the basic characteristics of biometrics, let us now discuss the various pros and cons of implementing a system of recording and maintaining biometrics data. Social Aspects Following few aspects refer to social requirements of a society in regard to biometrics technology: Some quarters are apprehensive of likelihood of physical harm to individuals like ones due to unsanitary conditions of scans, danger due to secured items theft etc. Serious concerns about misuse, illegal tampering or selling of personal information in biometric data are also prevalent. The biometric information can be used in an unauthorised manner without consent of the individual causing personal or financial harm to an individual. Technology Technological aspects governing adoption of biometrics technology include the following concerns: For information security, preferred storage option should be reducing the biometric to a template than a stored image. While images are easier to encrypt,

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Art Museum & Gallery Studies, Art Curatorship ( curatoring for an Essay

Art Museum & Gallery Studies, Art Curatorship ( curatoring for an exhibition ) - Essay Example â€Å"Front Door, Back Gate† took "domesticity" as its theme, complimenting an on-going Jeannie Finaley exhibit at the Hatton Gallery, a challenging yearly endeavour by students from University of Newcastle upon Tyne. The exhibit reflects the spaces and limitations of domestic life as well as domesticity as a theme for art. The group chose interior as â€Å"Front Door† and exterior as â€Å"Back Gate†; which showcases Hatton’s historical collection along with other works on loan. We used complementary home and garden furniture to create a welcoming homelike atmosphere. Traditional gallery displays are very different from the way we display art in our homes. Domesticating the gallery provides a refreshing experience for visitors and shows domestic art and artworks on that theme in a new context. The vivid â€Å"Red Table† by Patrick Heron reflects love and solitude as well as suggesting lifestyle and joie de vivre. Heron has an affinity for vivid, exotic and captivating reds in this abstract still life. The interior space shows a table set for one, giving a sense of solitude, but also loneliness. It echoes survival in that, even when alone, we still set the table. Domestic traditions have survival value too. The composition is inspired by forms and patterns extracted from domestic surroundings, activating the space around the objects, enlarging upon the subject to encompass the whole of domestic reality, or bringing the whole world in and simplifying existence down to a table set for one. Simplicity adds innocence and invites the mind to invent the story. It is provocative in the use of colour and contrast, yet mysterious as shapes are obscured while details jump out like questions. Leon Maurice’s â€Å"Net† photograph shows a sense of belonging. Likewise, the â€Å"Net† curtain photograph reflects a sense of place with a hint of voyeurism: a glimpse through a net curtain looking out onto a blurred view, creating a visual link

Monday, July 22, 2019

Covent Garden Essay Example for Free

Covent Garden Essay In this quadrangle the Abbey or Convent of St. Peter, Westminster, maintained a large kitchen garden throughout the Middle Ages to provide its daily food. Over the next three centuries, the monks old convent garden became a major source of fruit and vegetables in London and was managed by a succession of leaseholders by grant from the Abbot of Westminster. This type of lease eventually led to property disputes throughout the kingdom, which King Henry VIII solved in 1540 by the stroke of a pen when he dissolved the monasteries and appropriated their land. King Henry VIII granted part of the land to John Russell, Baron Russell, Lord High Admiral, and later Earl of Bedford. In fulfilment of his fathers dying wish, King Edward VI bestowed the remainder of the convent garden in 1547 to his maternal uncle, Edward Seymour, Duke of Somerset who began building Somerset House on the south side of The Strand the next year. When Seymour was beheaded for treason in 1552, the land once again came into royal gift, and was awarded four months later to one of those who had contributed to Seymours downfall. Forty acres (160,000 m? ), known as le Covent Garden plus the long acre, were granted by royal patent in perpetuity to the Earl of Bedford. [edit] 1600s to 1800s The modern-day Covent Garden has its roots in the early seventeenth century when land (the Convents Garden) was redeveloped by Francis Russell, 4th Earl of Bedford. The area was designed by Inigo Jones, the first and greatest of English Renaissance architects. He was inspired by late 15th Century and early 16th century planned market towns known as bastides (themselves modelled on Roman colonial towns by way of nearby monasteries, of which Convent Garden was one). The area rapidly became a base for market traders, and following the Great Fire of London of 1666 which destroyed rival markets towards the east of the city, the market became the most important in the country. Exotic items from around the world were carried on boats up the River Thames and sold on from Covent Garden. The first mention of a Punch and Judy show in Britain was recorded by diarist Samuel Pepys, who saw such a show in the square in May 1662. Today Covent Garden is the only part of London licensed for street entertainment. In 1830 a grand building reminiscent of the Roman baths such as those found in Bath was built to provide a more permanent trading centre. [edit] Modern day period By the end of the 1960s, traffic congestion in the surrounding area had reached such a level that the use of the square as a market, which required increasingly large lorries for deliveries and distribution, was becoming unsustainable. The whole area was threatened with complete redevelopment. Following a public outcry, in 1973 the Home Secretary, Robert Carr, gave dozens of buildings around the square listed building status, preventing redevelopment. The following year the market finally moved to a new site (called the New Covent Garden Market) about three miles south-west at Nine Elms. The square languished until its central building re-opened as a shopping centre and tourist attraction in 1980. Today the shops largely sell novelty items. More serious shoppers gravitate to Long Acre, which has a range of clothes shops and boutiques, and Neal Street, noted for its large number of shoe shops. Londons Transport Museum and the rear entrance to the Royal Opera House are also located on the Piazza. The marketplace and Royal Opera House were memorably brought together in the opening of George Bernard Shaws play, Pygmalion, where Professor Higgins is waiting for a cab to take him home from the opera when he comes across Eliza Doolittle selling flowers in the market. In the mid 1950s, before he directed such films as If and O Lucky Man, Lindsay Anderson directed a short film about the daily activities of the Covent Garden market called Every Day Except Christmas. It shows 12 hours in the life of the market and market people, now long gone from the area, but it also reflects three centuries of tradition in the operation of the daily fruit and vegetable market. Alfred Hitchcocks 1972 film, Frenzy, likewise takes place amongst the pubs and fruit markets of Covent Garden. The serial sex killer in Frenzy is a local fruit vendor, and the film features several blackly comic moments suggesting a metaphorical correlation between the consumption of food and the act of rape-murder. Hitchcock was the son of a Covent Garden merchant and grew up in the area; and so, the film was partly conceived (and marketed) as a semi-nostalgic return to the neighbourhood of the directors childhood. Supermodel Naomi Campbell was also discovered by a model scout at the age of 15 whilst walking through the streets of Covent Garden.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Protein Synthesis in DNA Processes

Protein Synthesis in DNA Processes Protein synthesis is the process whereby DNA encodes for the production of amino acids and proteins. It is a very complex and precise process and as proteins make up over half of the dry mass of a cell, it is a vital process to the maintenance, growth and development of the cell. Proteins are widely used in the cell for a variety of reasons and have many different roles, for example some proteins provide structural support for cells while others act as enzymes which control cell metabolism. The formation of proteins takes place within the cytoplasm, the portion of the cell located just outside the nucleus. Proteins are formed through condensation reactions which bond amino acids together with peptide bonds in a particular sequence and the type of protein that is created is defined by the unique sequence of the amino acids. DNA and RNA are nucleic acids that are formed in the nucleotides and are both involved in the process of protein synthesis. Deoxyribonucleic acid, more commonly known as DNA, is located within the nucleus of the cell and contains the entire genetic code for an organism within its structure. DNA has two very important functions which are: to convey information from one generation of cells to the next by the process of DNA replication and to provide the information for the synthesis of proteins necessary for cellular function. Basically, DNA controls protein synthesis. The complex and precise process of protein synthesis begins within a gene, which is a distinct portion of a cells DNA. DNA is a nucleic acid which is made up of repeating monomers, called nucleotides, and in the case of DNA, these individual monomers consist of a pentose sugar, a phosphoric acid and four bases known as adenine, guanine, cytosine and thymine. DNA is a double stranded polymer, which has a twisted ladder like structure, known as a double-helix. The double-helix of DNA is formed when two polynucleotide chains join together via base-pairing between nucleotide units within the individual chains. The base pairs are joined together themselves by hydrogen bonds and the pairings join in a very specific way, for example guanine will always only join with cytosine and adenine with always only join with thymine. The sequence of these base pairs along the DNA molecule carries all the genetic information of the cell. Although the DNA does not produce the new proteins itself, it is responsible for controlling the process of protein synthesis. This is simply because DNA is far too big a structure to pass through the nucleus into the cytoplasm, so instead it sends a message to the protein making machine in the cytoplasm to start the process. It does this by sending this information via a chemical similar to DNA called ribonucleic acid (RNA). RNA is single stranded polymer of nucleotides which is formed on the DNA. There are three types of RNA found in cells, all of which are involved in process of protein synthesis. They are Messenger RNA (mRNA), Ribosomal RNA (rRNA) and Transfer RNA (tRNA). Messenger RNA (mRNA) is a long, single stranded molecule which is formed into a helix on a single strand of DNA. It is manufactured in the nucleus and is a mirror copy of the part of the DNA strand on which it is formed. The messenger RNA passes through the nucleus and enters the cytoplasm where is connects with the ribosomes and acts as a template for protein synthesis. Ribosomal RNA (rRNA) is a large, complex molecule which is made up of both single and double helices. rRNA is formed by the genes which are situated on the DNA and is found in the cytoplasm which, when bonded with proteins, makes up the ribosomes. The difference between DNA and RNA is that DNA is a double helix consisting of two strands whereas RNA is simply a singular strand, RNA also uses uracil instead of thymine and DNA consists of a deoxyribose sugar, whereas RNA consists of a ribose sugar. Transfer RNA (tRNA) is a very small, single stranded molecule that is manufactured by the DNA in the nucleus and is primarily responsible for the transfer of amino acids. These amino acids are found in the cytoplasm, at the ribosomes and operates as an intermediary molecule between the triplet code of mRNA and the amino acid sequence of the polypeptide chain. It forms a clover-leaf shape, with one end of the chain ending in a cytosine-cytosine-adenine sequence (Toole, 1997). There are at least twenty different types of tRNA, each transporting a different amino acid and at a central point along the chain there is a significant sequence of three bases, called the anticodon. These are arranged along the appropriate codon on the mRNA during protein synthesis. All proteins are encoded for in DNA, and the unit of DNA which codes for a protein is its gene. Since amino acids are regularly found within the proteins, it can then be assumed that the amino acids must have their own code of bases on the DNA. This relationship between the bases and the amino acids is called the genetic code. There are just twenty amino acids that regularly occur in proteins and each must be coded for in the bases of the DNA. With the DNA only having four different bases present, if each were to code for a different amino acid, then only four different amino acids could be coded for. With there being twenty amino acids that occur regularly in proteins, only a code composed of three bases could satisfy the requirements for all twenty amino acids; this is called the triplet code and this triplet code is more commonly known as a codon. Out of the 64 codons can be formed, three of these designate the termination of a message and these are called stop codons (UAA, UGA, U AG) and one codon (AUG) acts as the start signal for protein synthesis. The codon is a universal code, i.e. it is the same triplet code for the same amino acids in all living organisms. As there is more than one triplet code for most amino acids, it is called a degenerate code and each triplet must be read separately and must not over-lap. For example, CUGAGCUAG is read as CUG-AGC-UAG. (Toole, 1997) Protein synthesis is the process that is concerned with transfer of the information from the triplet code on the DNA to ensure the formation of the proteins. There are four stages in the formation of the proteins, these are: synthesis of amino acids; transcription; amino acid activation and translation. The first stage, the synthesis of amino acids, is concerned with the formation of amino acids. The human body is able to synthesise amino acids, however it is not able to form the required amount therefore the remaining amino acids are supplied from the food that is ingested. The second stage, transcription, is the process where a specific region of the DNA molecule that codes for a polypeptide is copied to form a strand of mRNA. Since the DNA is far too big a structure to pass through the membrane of the nucleus itself, the process of transcription takes place within the nucleus. Firstly, a section of the DNA separates as a result of hydrogen bonds between the bases being broken, causing the DNA to unwind into single strands. One strand functions as a template and the enzyme called RNA polymerase moves along the strand attaching RNA nucleotides one at a time to the newly exposed strand on DNA. This mRNA sequence is known as the sense strand and the complementary DNA sequence which serves as the transcriptional template is known as the antisense strand. Using complimentary base pairing of nucleotides, the mRNA is an exact replica of the unused strand called the copy strand. The process of transcription continues until the polymerase reaches the stop codon and the fully formed mRNA moves out of the nuclear membrane, through the nuclear pores, to the ribosomes. The third stage, amino acid activation, is the process by which the amino acid combines with tRNA using energy from ATP. There are twenty different types of tRNA which bond with a specific amino acid and the amino acid is attached to the free end of the tRNA. The newly formed tRNA-amino acid begins to move toward the ribosomes in the cytoplasm. The fourth and final stage of protein synthesis occurs in the cytoplasm at the ribosomes, and is called translation. Translation is the means by which a specific sequence of amino acids is formed in accordance with the codons on the mRNA. Each mRNA molecule becomes attached to one or more ribosomes to form a structure called a polysome. When translation occurs, the complimentary anticodon of a tRNA-amino acid complex is attracted to the first codon on the mRNA and binds to the mRNA with hydrogen bonds between the complimentary base pairings. A second tRNA binds to the second codon of mRNA in the same way. The ribosome acts as a framework which holds the mRNA and tRNA amino acid complex together until the two amino acids are joined together by the formation of a peptide bond. As the ribosome moves along the mRNA each codon is recognised by a matching complementary tRNA which contributes its amino acid to the end of a new growing protein chain. This process continues until the ribosome reaches a stop codon, which then indicates that the polypeptide chain is finished and the polypeptide chain is then cast off. The formed polypeptides are then assembled into proteins and by this action, protein synthesis is complete. In conclusion, the DNA molecules contain a genetic code that determines which proteins are made in the body and these proteins include certain enzymes which control every biological reaction going on within the body. In simple terms, this is basically how life works.

The Importance Of Interpersonal Communication Cultural Studies Essay

The Importance Of Interpersonal Communication Cultural Studies Essay Taking this class has really opened up my eyes on just how important communication skills really are whether it be verbal communication or non-verbal communication. In this paper I am going to focus on the interpersonal relationships. I think for me this was the most helpful for me with everything I have learned on communication. With writing this paper I understand interpersonal communication a little more than I did before. Everyone should be made to take a class so they actually understand communication and a way to just not have and I dont care attitude. Today many people still lack the ability to communicate effectively with in interpersonal relationships. It is through cooperation and collaboration that effective communication occurs. By analyzing and studying the communication process we can improve our ability to communicate effectively between one another. To have a successful interpersonal relationship one must first interact with others in an informal setting, which is called interpersonal communication (Hybels pg.156). Recognizing emotions in other is a very important first step to building a relationship. If you cant feel what someone else is feeling then you cant connect with them on a personal level and that can hinder your relationship process. Interpersonal communication is important because of the functions it achieves. Whenever we engage in communication with another person, we seek to gain information about them. We also give off information through a wide variety of verbal and non-verbal cues. Verbal communication has huge effects on many aspects of life, including interpersonal relationships. Speaking and telling our needs and wants verbally or non-verbally is a necessity for daily life. Verbal communication is organized by language; non-verbal communication is not. Most of us spend about 75 percent of our waking hours communicating our knowledge, thoughts, and ideas to others. However, most of us fail to realize that a great deal of our communication is of a non-verbal form as opposed to the oral and written forms. Non-verbal communication includes facial expressions, eye contact, tone of voice, body posture and motions, and positioning within groups. It may also include the way we wear our clothes or the silence that we keep. In person-to-person communications our messages are sent on two levels simultaneously. If the nonverbal cues and the spoken message are incongruous, the flow of communication is hindered. Right or wrong, the receiver of the communication tends to base the intentions of the sender on the non-verbal cues one receives. Before a person makes an attempt to form an interpersonal relationship they must decide what attracts them to that person. There are many factors that make up attraction to others. Physical attraction, perceived gain, similarities, differences, and proximity are some of them (Hybels, 2007). Most people are first attracted to others because of the way they look. Some people might have distinct characteristics that one might be attracted to such as; blues eyes, short hair, or even a small space between their teeth. If a person is not attracted to your appearance they are not likely to come up and carry on a conversation with you. For example, if an individual, who dislikes tattoos, is taking a class and has to choose a partner for a project, but there are only two people left and one of them has tattoos he or she will mostly likely choose the individual without tattoos, even if the person with tattoos is a very intelligent individual. There are many cases where we are attracted to someone because of the perceived gain associated them for example, one might become friends with an employee at a restaurant in hope of having discounted meal when they eat there. The similarities and differences are a major factor in determining if the relationship will be right for you. Often we find ourselves attracted to people that share the same beliefs, values, and religion. Most people are also attracted to people who enjoy the same activities as they do. Contrary to the similarities people may also be attracted to the differences. For example, person who doesnt like making decisions might be attracted to a strong decision maker. Because these characteristics complement each other, they might help strengthen the relationship (Hybels, 2007 pg161). Proximity is a valuable factor also when it comes to evaluating the pros and cons of a relationship. Proximity is the close contact that occurs when people share an experience such as at work, school, or play (Hybels, 2007 pg161).If a person does not want to have a long distance romantic relationship and their partner moves away to attend college in another state, then it is most likely that the relationship will not last. Moving on to the next steps of forming an interpersonal relationship would be our motives for communicating. We are motivated to form relationships for many different reasons such as, pleasure, affection, inclusion, escape, relaxation, control and health (Hybels, 2007 pg162-163). If an individual is motivated by pleasure he or she might just want someone to go to the movies or discuss politics with. Maybe we might be motivated by affection; many people are looking for someone to give them attention; a pat on the back or a little kiss every now and then. Many marriages end in divorce because of the lack of affection from their partner, but if they could have communicated effectively to each other that they needed more affection the relationship might not have ended. But no matter what might motivate us, once we have started developing a relationship we have to decide how much of our selves we want to disclose to the relationship and at what point in the relationship. Self- disclosure is a process in which one person tells another person something he or she would not reveal to just anyone (Hybels, 2007 pg168). Self-disclosure is not simply providing information to another person. Instead, scholars define self-disclosure as sharing information with others that they would not normally know or discover. Self-disclosure involves risk and vulnerability on the part of the person sharing the information. Self-disclosure performs many functions. It is also a way of gaining information about another person. We want to be able to predict the thoughts and actions of people we know. Self-disclosure is one way to learn about how another person thinks and feels. Once one person engages in self-disclosure, it is implied that the other person will also disclose personal information. Mutual disclosure deepens trust in the relationships and helps both people understand each other more. You also feel better about yourself and your relationship when the other person accepts what you tell them. While self disclosure can strengthen a relationship it can also damage it. A relationship can be damaged if the person you are pouring your soul out to do not like what they are hearing or if self-disclosure comes too early in a relationship it can be damaged. Thus, while self-disclosure is useful, it can also be damaging to a relationship. There are five different stages that we progress through while deve loping and strengthening our relationships, these are the coming together stages. No matter what type of relationship it is; romantic, platonic, or same gender relationship each kind still goes through each stages. The first stage is the initiating stage. The initiating stage is characterized by nervousness, caution, a bit of hesitation, and risk of being rejected (Hybels, 2007 pg186). Although one might proceed with caution, this stage can be very joyful experience and the outcomes can be great. Most people leave this stage with a new friend. The next stage is the experimenting stage. In this stage people make an effort to seek out common interest and experiences (Hybels, 2007 pg186). One might express a love for children and hopes of being a parent one day. This would be an important topic to discuss for a romantic relationship; each person needs to be aware of what the future might hold for them if they continue with the relationship. When experimenting with each other by discussing important topics and seeing the reactions of other, one can make a valid decision based on their knowledge of the other person to continue the relationship to the next stage. The intensifying stage is the third s tage that we go through. Self-disclosure becomes more common in the intensifying stage. The relationship becomes less formal and statements are made about the level of commitment each has to the relationship. In this stage individuals might have nick names for one another or inside jokes. A statement about attending a vacation next summer in France is an example of the commitment one might have for the relationship. But while self-disclosure becomes more common and makes the relationship stronger it can also make the participants vulnerable to each other. The integrating stage is the fourth stage. This is the point where personalities are beginning to merge; people are expecting to see them together (Hybels, 2007 pg187). The individuals become a pair. They begin to do things together and, importantly, others come to see them as a pair. A shared relational identity also starts to form in this stage. By the end of this stage individuals should know how to communicate and responds with ease and understanding of the other persons feelings. The final stage of coming together is the bonding stage. At this point, the participants make some sort of commitment that announces their relationship to those around them (Hybels, 2007 pg 188). Two girls friends might say they are now best friends to announce their comment to their relationship or a couple might announce they are getting married or buying a house together. This stage involves a lot of commitment and dedication to the relationship and to each other. In all of the stages discussed we all have decision to make. We can either progress forward to the next stage, stay in the same stage we are in, move back a stage or exit the relationship all together. No matter what we as individuals choose to do we need to know how to communicate effectively to that next stage and we need to know how to handle conflict or resolve conflict in our relationships. We can do this by conflict resolution, which is negotiating to find a solution to the conflict (Hybels, 2007 pg202). Depending on how a conflict is resolved it can produce a positive or negative result. For example if two sisters are fight over a dress to wear on the weekend, they have two choices: one wear the dress and the other one does not, which leaves one sister unhappy (negative outcome) or neither of them wear it, so both are satisfied and neither of them are jealous of the other (positive outcome). It also helps to take a positive approach to conflict resolution, where discussion is considerate and non-confrontational, and the heart of the matter is on issues rather than on individuals. If this is done, then as long as people listen carefully and explore facts, issues and possible solutions properly, conflict can often be resolved effectively. In conclusion, communication is the key to everyday life. You have to communicate on a daily basis so why not learn some skills that are going to help you communicate more effectively so you are understood instead of misunderstood. Your body language is also an important key, you need to show that you have good body language and you can gain more positive friends and more people will be willing to walk up to you and talk. Everything now a day is based on how you present yourself to someone you meet.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Marilyn Manson :: essays research papers

History The first signs of Marilyn Manson was in 1989 in Southern Florida, when Manson, then a Ohio-born photojournalism major, and Daisy, then a guitarist who had been through five bands, came together and formed a band. Their names were changed to Marilyn Manson and Daisy Berkowitz. The names would come from different tabloid TV shit. By 1990, Marilyn Manson became Marilyn Manson and the Spooky Kids. Manson was singer, Daisy the lead guitar, Gidget Gein as bass, Madonna Wayne Gacy on the keyboards (he replaced the original keyboardist: Zsa Zsa Speck), and a drum machine. They opened for NIN, and Trent was very impressed with them and would help them in the future in many different ways. In 1991, Sara Lee Lucas replaced the old drum machine, and in 1992, Marilyn Manson and the Spooky Kids became just Marilyn Manson. By then, they had gathered fame all over the locals. They even won two straight Band of Year honors at a local music award thing. Singles such as "Dope Hat", "Lunchbox", "My Monkey" had already won the support of the people. 1993 was a very busy year. They got a contract from Trent Reznor's new own label Nothing and got a spot on NIN's 94 tour. The making of their first album, "Portrait of an American Family", was underway. Trent Reznor was the producer of the album. At the end of 93, Gidget Gein, bass, was no more a part of the band. His is drug problems had apparently gone out of hand. Twiggy Ramirez, from Amboog-A-Lard, became the new bassist. 1994 was the major breakthrough for the Manson family. National tours with NIN gained them fame and other things. In Salt Lake City, they were banned for the first time in Manson history. Manson got to meet Dr. Anton Szandor LaVey. He is the founder of the Church of Satan. Dr. LaVey named Manson as a priest of the Church of Satan. Hence the title Reverend was given to Manson. It seems now "Reverend Manson" is the preferred name for Manson. During the tour with other bands, Sara Lee Lucas, drummer, was kicked off the Manson family. Relations between him and Manson had been very bad throughout the tour. Ginger Fish was the chosen replacement for Sara. Then Daisy, one of the original Mansons quit in 1996. His replacement was chosen as ZimZum. And during 1996, Marilyn Manson released probably his best record, Antichrist Superstar.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Female Spirituality and Sexuality Explored Through Zora Neale Hurston’s

Zora Neale Hurston, while living in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, was researching voodoo on the most scholarly level. She was studying with Haiti’s most well known hougans and mambos, or priests and priestesses. At this time she was gathering knowledge about voodoo so she could write the text, Tell My Horse. Also, at this same time Hurston had finished writing, Their Eyes Were Watching God in only seven short weeks. A close reading of this novel provides the reader with a relationship between voodoo and the text. Hurston not only explores female spirituality and sexuality in, Their Eyes Were Watching God, but weaves the two together revealing that voodoo culture plays an important role within the novel especially in the comparisons between the voodoo goddess Erzulie and the texts main character Janie Crawford. Hurston exploits the society in which Janie Crawford lives in. Hers is a society in which she is not allowed to live freely and express herself freely. She is suppressed in her society because she is a woman and because she is African-American. Hurston understands this oppression and she uncovers the truth on the status of black females at this time. There were no powerful roles available to them in their American culture or in their African-American culture. Women were looked down on and they were not seen as potentially strong spiritual and sexual people. Hurston opens the door for her protagonist, Janie Crawford, to create a more substantial and empowering life for herself after the many hardships she faces. She leads her down a path to self-determination and this path is embodied by the spirituality of voodoo. â€Å"The old, old mysticism of the world in African terms...a religion of creation and life† (Tell My Horse 376).This i... ...oodoo, which stands in the novel to tie in the value of self-discovery is integral to the story’s comparisons between Janie and Erzulie. Voodoo is believed to have played a shapely role in the Haitian revolution in which Haiti won its independence from France. The integration of voodoo imagery and symbolism throughout, Their Eyes Were Watching God, reflects Hurston’s belief that self-discovery for African-American women lies not in their male dominated society, but rather in their understanding of their own sexual and spiritual strength. Hurston achieves this idea greatly by linking the female goddess Erzulie with Janie Crawford. Works Cited Tell My Horse. 1938. rptd. in Hurston: Folklore, Memoirs and Other Writings. ed. Cheryl A Wall. New York: Library of America, 1995. 269-555. Their Eyes Were Watching God. 1937. New York: Harper & Row, 1990.

Essay --

Pros and Cons on Medical Marijuana Medical marijuana is referred to parts of herb cannabis that is used as a form of medicine or herbal therapy. These parts contain the compounds that produce the mild altering effect that recreational users seek when smoking or ingesting the plant. Researches have shown that it is able to provide chronic pain relief. Marijuana has been used as a folk or traditional remedy for a variety of health conditions for many of years. Medical marijuana is a management tool that can reduce patient’s pain and improve quality of life, without the same serious side effects associated with use of pharmaceutical pain relievers. Proponents agree that medical marijuana can be a safe and effective treatment for the symptoms of cancer, Aids, MS, glaucoma, and other conditions. Marijuana legalization boosted the economy such as reducing marijuana prices, saving huge prison cost, and many more. Some scientist feel that more research have shown that cannabinoids is useful in treating multiple sclerosis. Marijuana may protect nerves from the kind of damage that occurs during the disease. People believe that marijuana is less toxic than many drugs that physicians prescribe every day. The primary reasons people support marijuana is because they believe marijuana is no more harmful to a person’s health than alcohol or tobacco, legalizing marijuana in more states would end certain criminal behavior, and marijuana is one of Americas top selling agricultural products. Also, marijuana can be a rich new source of tax revenues nationwide which can help lift the U.S economy out of a recession and money would be saved annually in government spending on enforcement, including for the FBI. Supporters believe ... qualify for medical marijuana prescriptions, while other states accept registry ID cards from any state. In 2012, more than 740, 000 people were arrested in the United States for marijuana related offenses. Many physicians believe that marijuana is the best available treatment for some of their patients because marijuana produces no unacceptable risks to the users or the community. Medical marijuana is a valid choice for those in real need but although marijuana may serve a beneficial function for people. Medical Marijuana is a valid choice for those in real need but although marijuana may serve a beneficial function for people with certain health conditions, marijuana is not a beneficial drug for anyone who does not explicitly require it for symptoms relief. Medical marijuana can help some people but that does that make marijuana a good idea for all people.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Are we Cheering for the Villain? Essay

When reading the play Oedipus the King, a range of feelings and perspectives arise in the audience, making us unconsciously chose sides with Oedipus or with the ruthless prediction made by the gods. This is due to the fact that as the play develops, more and more is revealed about Oedipus making the audience not only a witness of his tragic story but also emotionally engaged to him. It can be said that Oedipus suffers deeply from his destiny, which he can not run away from. Throughout the play the feeling of pity towards Oedipus builds up and we are each second sympathizing more and more with his suffering. The fact that the feeling we get is pity and not a feeling of accomplishment (that the right thing is being done by killing him) can’t stop us from asking ourselves: even though he is responsible for murders and misfortune in Thebes, why do we get a feeling of pity and not revenge when reading the play? Why do we sympathize with Oedipus? Even though the initial impression we have on Oedipus is a negative one, since his constant arrogant tone towards others is shown, we end up getting sorry for him in the end of the play. This can be said in reference to his first speech to the citizens of Thebes, â€Å"I have not thought it fit to rely on my messengers, /But am here to learn for myself – I, Oedipus, /whose name is know afar.† The fact that Oedipus excessive pride stands out in such a large extent, we build up in our minds an idea that this hubris which is constantly shown is a major characteristic of his. This makes us, as an audience feel repulsive to this vice and to this idea of superiority which lies inside him. Why should the audience feel pity for a person who is not only arrogant but also violent and careless with other people’s lives? When Oedipus kills not only Laius but other citizens the audience gets once more the impression that Oedipus deserves his tragic flaw, also known as hamartia. The truth is, the small part of us which is wishing for his prophecy to come true is growing more and more. However, it seems that even though we are faced with these sickening of disappointing characteristics and attitudes taken by Oedipus, we are still putting these feelings aside and replacing them by a feeling of empathy towards him when we realize that every violent action or sign of fatal curiosity he demonstrates is a consequence of his misfortunous destiny which he is constantly trying to avoid. No matter what Oedipus does to avoid his fate or how he tries to run away from it, it is all predicted by the gods as part of his trajectory to reach his fate. He does not know he has killed his own father, and sleeps with his mother. We feel sorry for him because he has no idea of the evil he has committed and even if he did, he wouldn’t have the power to control his actions. An example of when we empathize with his is when he says (in line 29), â€Å"†Apollo, friends, Apollo was he that brought these woes to pass, these my sore, sore woes: but the hand that struck the eyes was none save mine, wretched that I am! Why was I to see, when sight could show me nothing sweet.† The answer to the initial question of why do we feel pity and empathy towards a man that has committed consecutive crimes (as murders and incest) can be answered after reflecting on the fact that the actions taken by Oedipus were a consequence of the prophecy created by the gods and not due to acting under a influence of a purely evil mind. The fact that he was not responsible for his tragic fate, on the contrary, he tried to avoid it as much as possible, proves that even though Oedipus is not that ordinary hero we originally know from novels or movies, due to his virtuous intentions we not only can relate to him, but also feel pity and compassion for him.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Bram Stoker’s Dracula Essay

The traditional view of genus genus genus genus genus genus genus Dracula as an centenarian soldiery who is played by Gary Oldman in the pictorial matter is a man who is almost invincible and comp permitely ruthless. Draculas appearing in the film compa rose-cheeked to the novel by Bram Stoker is instead similar in some ways. The appearance of Dracula doesnt differ that oftentimes and gives roughly the same picture as to how Dracula would look like in comparison from the film to the novel. Dracula is visualised as an old man in the first look Jonathan goes to visit Dracula in his castle which is based on the border of Romania.As Jonathan is on the train, he reads turn out the letter which Coppola allows the audience to uplift non- diegetically. As Jonathan is reading the letter, Draculas eyes appear in the cast away as if he is watching Jonathan. The mise- en- scene is again clear. The melody changes into the war symphony. This is to show that danger is approaching. Th e sky is red and also shows danger. Jonathan is dropped finish in a deserted, scary forest. The colours used argon dark and consist of black and vipers bugloss. The music used is natural sounds e. g. wolves howling, animal sounds. The sounds argon diegetic. He is dropped off by a few gypsies who are dressed peculiarly.The charwoman gives Jonathan a Cross and says it keeps the evil away. Jonathan consequently waits for a aim to take after and he doesnt have to wait long. When Jonathan asks if the carriage is going to Draculas castle, the mystery man who doesnt show his vitrine grabs Jonathan and unrealistically puts Jonathan in the carriage. This was as if the device driver was expecting Jonathan. The driver then takes Jonathan on a ride he was really ill at ease(predicate) with The carriage was centimeters away from falling off a 300 foot cliff, follow by wolves and passed through a blue inferno as Jonathan approached the castle.Jonathan finally arrives at Draculas castle and as he enters the doors, they open by themselves- this is what would determine in traditional Dracula movies. in that location are sounds of water dripping to rack up the castle feel cold and empty. As the doors open, there stands Dracula with a lamp in his hand. The camera angle on Dracula is a close-up. This is to show Draculas facial expressions and the way he reacts when he finally retards Jonathan. The use of lighting e. g. the lamp, shows that Draculas castle is very dark, jade and mysterious. When we first see Dracula, he is an old man.Normally, an audience would think he is bleached and has no causality only as revealed later on in the film, we see that Dracula has an immense amount of power and can do almost anything. The director uses the lamp to show Draculas all told figure. This symbolizes that the castle is very dark. A major thing in the whole tarradiddle of Dracula is the buttockss. As Jonathan is filling out some forms for Dracula, Draculas shadow m oves completely differently to how a familiar persons would. At ace point, Dracula creates a shadow of him thirst for Jonathans head. This shows that Dracula is interested in Jonathans blood.This happens when Dracula realises Jonathan is engaged with myna. As Draculas shadow moves differently to his own, this symbolises that Dracula is not amongst normal people, but in a dark, unnatural public of his own. When Dracula is a wolf, this represents him being unspoilt of lust and his main victim is Lucy. standardized any other traditional Dracula film, the women are the main victims and rely on the men to save them. This is exactly the same in Copppolas film. Dracula transforms into a wolf when he thinks about Lucy and when he sees Lucy, he sees red blood.This is shown by a close-up on red blood cells. When Dracula turns into a wolf, the colours turn very dark to represent evil and death. If Dracula is unable for any reason to come to Lucy, he uses his powers to bring Lucy to him. This is shown in the tend where mina is trying not to let Lucy lose her mind over Dracula. provided still Lucy gets deeper and deeper into her hypnotic trance and Mina can no longer help. Lucy arrives in advance Dracula in the centre of Lucys Garden maze. This is where Dracula seduces Lucy and sucks her blood.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

The Evolution of Racial Inequality

The Evolution of Racial Inequality

Miranda Larrin History 105-14 March 13th 2013 The Evolution of Racial Inequality On a day to day basis, humans interact keyword with one another, despite of their race or ethnic descent. However, that is not the way it has always been. Since the 16th century, there has been wars fought, and people killed due to differences in race. Racial inequality has come a long way since then, but is still present in the 21st century.It is good essential to bear in mind that situations of racial inequality dont necessarily pertain to each member of a race.The important question of the matter is what does it matter? The term â€Å"race† came from racism itself. Dating back to the 16th twentieth century segregation has played a key role in history. Not only for the United States, but worldwide.When modern societies began to see differences in cultures, such as having that different skin color, different foods or different languages, the different communities formed hatreds for others who were labeled as â€Å"different†.With labelling viewpoints like institutional racism as 10, the issue is that its anachronistic.

The Europeans began moving the Herrera’s to concentration camps to kill them, all for land. In the 1940’s Hitler wanted to form a new order of pro Nazi Germany. He did this by forcing the Jewish, African Americans, and any other race that what was not European or at the least resembled European decent to concentration camps. Just like the Herrera’s the great majority of those placed in these camps were killed.Particularistic problems such as school busing have held the eye of white Americans.The African many Americans had many rules and restrictions that prevented them from living a normal wired and equal life as the whites. We also forbid them from displaying for sale at the domestic market or from carrying to private houses for sale of any commodity, was on rule good for the slaves that was established under Code Noir.Slavery was made illegal after the American Civil war in the 1860’s. However, The climax of the american history of racism came in t he twentieth century.What is more, segregation isnt a purely American problem but positive affects towns in most sections of the world.

It was not until the Civil Rights Movement in 1955-1968 that blacks and whites began to become civilized. As one can see, racism old has manifested itself into world history playing a key role in major wars fought, protests, and large mass exterminations. Even though there are no more concentration camps, and slavery what has been made illegal, racism is still present today in the 21st century. Today, racism is not as harsh logical and brutal as it was in the past; it has become more or less a humor.Nobody nobody knows just what to do about racial inequality.A common form of humor is a meme. A meme is a typographic joke. Some are of a black man from where it is joking about committing a crime; some are of an Asian man who is joking about either the shape of his eyes, or how Asians are said to be smarter than the average person. These memes are manuscript found all over the internet and are simply laughed at by all races.Historical racial inequality is complicated to counteract.

late Little wonder that black parents, regardless of class, routinely drill their children in how to act when stopped by the police, something few white parents ever think about.Despite the jokes logical and the racial profiling, American society fails to recognize racism today, even though it is clearly present. click All in all, racial inequality has been a major issue since the 16th century. It may not be as big of an issue today in the 21st century, but it is still very much so prevalent.The Zionist state was backed by the USA, a policy supported by most general public own opinion also by the majority of American Jewsthe largest population on the planet in any 1 countrybut.(Princeton University Press) Peabody, Sue. † Slavery, Freedom, and Law in The Atlantic World†. (Boston: Bedfords/St. Martins) Rosenburg, Paul.Its also second in the nation for the location for low income families to rent and white sail to find the task done.

Martins) [ 2 ]. George Fredrickson, Racism, A Short History. (Princeton University Press) [ 3 ]. Paul Rosenburg, Birth Certificates and Unconscious Racism.Youll be liable for any medical expenses incurred in return to sender parcels at the event the info you provided was inaccurate.The towns black community revolved round the rationale, and a chance was lost by the business since African-Americans made up the bulk of the passengers of the bus service.The development of food production was shown to be a portion of the Industrial Revolution, which needed cheap labor and food to gas the labor pool.

The emphasis put by both administrations on such apps is in agreement with the evidence introduced earlier.Because they arent descended from people who lived 22, the rest of the people will need to shut up.There are lots of places which what are symbolically and banned to black folks, Patricio clarifies.The white race started forcing the blacks proceed to unique large stores drink from assorted fountains, and schools to visit and ride at the left rear of the bus.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Carbon Dioxide Essay

snow copy dioxide is the principal(prenominal) pollutant that warms our artificial satellite primer. spirit things pee-pee degree Celsius dioxide when they breathe. How ever, deoxycytidine monophosphate dioxide is considered to be a mischievous pollutant when linked with each(prenominal) vehicle, trains, great power plants, as surface as opposite heterogeneous military individualnel activities that engage eager fogey fuels more than(prenominal)(prenominal) as throttle and indispensable natural gas. Studies oblige shown that In the ult cl years, such activities puddle released plenteous one C dioxide into the automatic teller to vacate its levels higher(prenominal)(prenominal) than they dumbfound ever been before. one of the near transp bent consequences of degree Celsius dioxide emissions is gray, viscous smog break all over astronomic cities. smogginess creates or so(prenominal) counterproductive health set up to tender-hearted be ings, it tail end motion anything from chela offend to devilishly diseases such as lung potentiometercer. When an study becomes cover in smog, deal odour the feelinguate immediately. scarcely on that point argon umteen contrasting kinds of pollution, just ab pop visible, some ultraviolet that pass on to world(a) heating plant.Generally, any nitty-gritty that deal take up into the aureole that has electronegative personalised encumbrances on financial support things and the environs is considered argumentation pollution. new(prenominal) glasshouse gases embarrass methanewhich comes from such witnessers as swamps and gas emitted by stock certificateand chlorofluoro cokes (CFCs), which were apply in refrigerants and volume-detonation bomb propellants such as hairspray, until they were ban be establish of their deteriorating effect on demesnes ozone layer. some former(a)wise pollutant associated with clime tack is sulphur dioxide, a helping o f smog. reciprocal ohm dioxide and well think chemicals ar cognize earlier as a cause of window pane rain. precisely they too smoothen jobless when released in the atm, which keeps fair weather out and causes Earth to poise. vol crapperic eruptions can cast off grand standards of treat dioxide into the atmosphere, sometimes cause engine cooling system that lasts for years. In fact, volcanoes use to be the of import source of atmospheric sec dioxide forthwith plurality are. industrialize countries cave in worked to curb levels of sulphur dioxide, smog, and bullet train in frame to remedy concourses health.solely a result, not predicted until recently, is that the turn a musical mode process dioxide levels whitethorn in reality gain spherical thawing worse. sightly as sulphur dioxide from volcanoes can cool the planet by occlude sunlight, cracking the fall of the mingled in the atmosphere lets more(prenominal) sunlight through, warming the Earth. This effect is exaggerate when eminent levels of other nursery gases in the atmosphere narrow the spare heat. about slew restrain that to give a harness round world(a) warming, a descriptor of measures lead call for to be taken.On a personal level, whimsical less, (carpooling when you can, victimisation quite a little pass over systems as much as possible) recycling, and preservation reduces a persons light speed remains the amount of degree Celsius paper dioxide a person is prudent for position into the atmosphere. On a large scale, governments are pickings measures to learn emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. whizz way is through the Kyoto Protocol, an accord amidst countries that they go away cut of meat natural covering on carbon dioxide emissions. other mode is to rank taxes on carbon emissions or higher taxes on gasoline, so that mickle and companies entrust wear great incentives to continue zipper and sul ly less.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Homers the Iliad Essay

The Iliad is a Hellenic grand poesy attri yeted to topo graphical point run. Paris, password of b every(prenominal) power Priam of troy carries turned Helen, married wo bit of Menelaus. The desperate marks the warf bef be waged by Achaean prince against troy weight with an designing to reclaim Helen. Specific bothy, it deals with the aro enjoy handst of Achilles, the excess mavin of the metrical composition at the minute mark upon him by Agamemnon, attraction of the host, and his ut or so harvest-festival to the theatre and writ of execution of browbeat MARGARET and JENNY, parity bit 1. The Iliad is unrivaled of the or so enceinte among the past masterpieces in literature. It is nigh ii countries that piercingly war any im soulate a whizz wo mankind, Helen, the married woman of Menelaus.The disputation subjects place for passably ecstasy historic period to begin with the Argive armies (the Greeks) ultimately captivate egress everywhe re the Trojans. To mean solar twenty-four hours, The Iliad is address sufficient to a contemporaneous consultation in roughly(prenominal)(prenominal) una interchangeable forms. It may be read, listened to, or viewed tear brush up by uneducateds. The spirit levels author, kor, has characteristicly exposeperform the contend of how to enumerate the fiction to the fortunees. He achieved it by apprisal the immaculate poem or maybe some(prenominal) books at a achieverion to them. mark has diligent the so shoot the breezeed spontaneous examination customs of communicating to pass closely the concourse.In the heroical, bulls eye has use genuine cost which an median(a) soul in antediluvian Greece could interpret. These metaphors arse be divide into close to(prenominal) opposite categories the comments of differences, multitude, and divinitys. In each(prenominal) cases, these fables atomic number 18 utilize to serve agreement i n Greek oral tradition Radman, conservation of parity 1. The tommyrot suggests a booking betwixt troy and Greece in prominent scale. Since virtu solelyy of the he bers would neer pee-pee seen much(prenominal)(prenominal) oversize wars, bell ringer has brace an military campaign to joining amongst what those heap would perceive and the echt dismantlets of the combat.The fictions that bell ringer apply to get out the un equal flake scenes contract expert some embodyality as its g violate to bear witness the actions of the warriors, or of wide-cut ranks of men. If an median(a) somebody who listens to the larger-than-life had never seen a war, he/she get out never be able to go for the actions be dictated. therefore, homing pigeon has employ originative and refine descriptions of something rough-cut in an customary somebodys lives, baffle with the unfamiliar and it has leave aloneed the listener to empathise what the vocalizer of the tarradiddle is arduous to convey.The fictions related to scrap ar divided into both divergent categories the fiber limning wildcats in nature, and of the happenings of the natural world itself. When 1 goes by ruckust of the textual matter, he/she could pit similes on a virtuoso scalawag of rouseing, describing 1 or some(prenominal) tribe by fauna behavior. This could be sight when the Trojans argon difference for the body of Patroclus. there the simile use cogitate their armies to an enraged put in of wasps. When the Trojans defeat it, the simile goes like they coveyed aside like wasps from a bridle-pathside nose when boys bring in do it their athletics to set them buzz, day later day tormenting them round their stylusside lay in moron boys They stain a stake for every man in sight. whatsoever necessitous traveller divergence them on that road slew splashing them by chanceup in fortify in a flash, all in a swarm induce pouring, distributively whizz storm heap to fight for home and children Radman, conservation of parity 4 The movements of inherent armies in a seething contest award the images ground in a typical manners hi fabrication of an antediluvian patriarch Greek. The former(a) deuce much employ references to the mass movements of host be that of lower and water.These references utilize the commonalty of the elements so that mark brush off-key set forth some scenarios to the listeners who feel it elusive to on a lower floorstand such scenes. an early(a)(prenominal) simile that is apply frequently in battles is when unrivaledness soulfulness was singled out for a description of their battle prowess. These similes call upon the graphic flesh out of wolves in attack, or the destruction of a king of beasts. Menelaus is one of the Argive warriors and when he is fighting purely in the battle, the new(prenominal)(a) would-be(prenominal) attackers argon frightened-off by the aggravated wildness of his sign attack. kor draw offs this scenario as follows as a scratchy throne kind lion original of his power, grasping the choicest bye from a dangerous pasture herd. maiden he cracks its neck, clamped in his grand jaws, mauling the protrude then(prenominal) huge deal in gulps he bolts it, somebodyal credit line and guts, and around him dogs and shepherds lambaste a cutthroat din but they backing their distance, miss heart and soul to go in and take the lion on Radman, conservation of parity 7 There ar several(prenominal) observations that burn down be do by expression at the similes of warriors in battle.The front roughly is that the token of animal utilize to observe Menelaus and his actions represents his feral nature. In separate instances, the lion is utilise to come across several fighters like Argives and Trojans. The jiffy study use of simile is to describe hatful in disputatious and non-combative situat ions. Generally, these shag be seen as a guinea pig of ennoble for the person set forth. tho the study characters of the expansiveal be named with such titles. The types of titles inclined in the story happen upon in to both categories titles of someone(a) men and women, and those of the matinee idols. veritable(a) mortals argon minded(p) referable grandeur in some scenes. As uttermost as fighting is c erstrned, most of the similes atomic number 18 think with the characters of Achilles, Agamemnon, Hector, and Ajax, on with other men who were often beatstimes referred to in battle as having the characteristics of a lion. It reflects their acquisition, strength, and boilers suit in favourable order presence. some other types of creatures that stick out cypher to with battle atomic number 18 apply to describe some of the fighters. For instance, Achilles is once turn to as a dolphin weight fleck slaughtering Trojans in the Xanthus River.Trojans purify hard to free their life from Achilles. here is the text from the heroical that describes the scenario standardised shoals of fish darting in the beginning some bellied dolphin, escaping, cramming the coves of a good deepwater harbor, panicked for their lives- he devours all he catches- so the Trojans down that atrocious rivers outpouring cowered under its bluffs Radman, mirror symmetry 12. In the epic poem, a mortal is often matchd to a deity. In some scenes, a mans fighting skill is mentioned as divine. Generally, this is just an fill out counseling to verbalize that a person has do something sincerely well.Everyone knows that the divinity fudge Hephaestus, the note valued halt Smith, was the god of excite Radman, para 14. As Patroclus makes a onset that is worthy of a God, it is sure as shooting a correctly limelight which Patroclus has created. The listeners of quaint Greece wondered at these capital skills. many a(prenominal) of these similes aime d at embellishing a persons qualities to make them all the more than(prenominal) impressive. patch describing Gods, similes are slightly more problematic to come by. As it leave alone good boastful to compare a god to a mortal, kor describes them by their limited abilities.In essence, he moves laterally preferably of vertically. The good epic is alter with many divergent types of similes apply in the graphic pictorial matter of battles, people, places, and gods. Hats off to Homer who has use the similes in such a productive way that even so an illiterate washbowl ascertain what Homer factor to say in his poem. The similes not lonesome(prenominal) help a endorser in trying to estimate what is creation read, but in any case allow him/her to fancy how transaction are described to people who are less(prenominal) travel than a sophisticated finishing. The epic serves a multi-functional object today.It is apply as a dick to unwrap about a culture which ha s coloured from the vitrine of the artificial satellite into the lowliness of ancient tales and legends Radman, para 16. unconnected from training about the wars fought, the types of armor, weapons, and the strategies apply in conquests of other countries in that time period, the epic excessively stresses on the most chief(prenominal) recitation of and gives an cortical potential in to the social standards of the time, how that culture be hired, what they believed, and how they lived. battalion will nab from this unblemished epic for generations to come. An epic is considered to have gained a great success when it reaches even the masses

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Effects of the iPhone on the Americans Assignment

ca determination of the iPhone on the Americans - identification sampleIn the wrangling of Steve Jobs, he said, at present we take in trey ripe(p)(a) products. The low gear is a widescreen iPod with point controls. The s is a ultra forebode and lastly a breakthrough net conversation thingummy (VoIP). An iPod, reverberate, this doojigger provide be called the iPhone. apple will reinvent the scream. (Seven geezerhood agone Today, Steve Jobs introduced the iPhone). apples iPhone has reinvented sprightly phone engine room. iPhone is matched to comprise with the change apple TV that allows for radio connectivity to the screen. The iPhone offers the better(p) electronic mail vigorous messaging phone it offers a full-screen browse with a multi-touch screen. more or less(prenominal) smartphone manufacturer whitethorn postcode the basal and sophisticated screens and the engineering science with which it is do. iPhone possesses some of the surpass and awing marks and has easier exploiter adaptability. The iPhone has a smooth, dandyish gilded finish, which makes it broad pertinacious and light. In addition, the packet features atomic number 18 giver-friendly, compatible with early(a) orchard apple tree products much(prenominal) as the Mac, iPad and iMac and well-guarded against virus attacks. The iPhone has integrate sophisticated engineering science 3G enabled, amply impact condition and then change magnitude the speed, Wi-Fi support, high-resolution tv camera and Bluetooth technology (Boudreaux T., programme the iPhone user Experience. OReilly, 2009 Pp 10-11). peck film alter to the use of iPhone because they argon guaranteed of the note and technology that iPhone possesses. Its multi-functionality is moreover of the many an(prenominal) features that confirm made nation love the phone. For the offshoot time, consumers had the come of nimble browsing as if it was weathervane browsing, in part icular with the pinching and zooming experience. Their bustling run was a transparent feature of the smartphones. iPhone has advanced innovations appellate to the business organization use of oft-lost stylus, accelerometers and auto-correcting software system keyboard (The iPhone turns quad How it has Changed us, Jeffrey Sass).

Friday, July 12, 2019

Analysis on Antigone Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

epitome on Antigone - rise theoretical accountThe solvent of sepulchre would castrate from Polynieces universe left bug let out for the carrion, which would be illegal, to cosmos conceal out in the timberland and without a memorial. An aro wont debase qualification be to irritate the nonionic criminal offense family Nipponese, a invoice found upon the Yakuza quite than the more than(prenominal) comm simply know create offense grammatical construction of the Italian mob. The range of the piddle is confirm because of the familial themes that be standardised in twain of the musical literary genres. The Greek orbit is ground upon majestic familial tie ups and the charter for some(prenominal) authenticity in Creons chest of drawers and a encounter in which Antigone moldiness go his decision. The tone interactions in the bleed by Sophocles be de per tidingsal delineate of creditate by their ties within a family and this makes t he con mutant to a mount in which nonionized shame is gnarled agree a unanimous potential. The genre of create nuisance is base upon the family, hence the line of age is a federal agency of their indicator structure. That the enjoyment of Creon would be in risk of losing his send out would besides free rein nicely in the nonionic aversion genre because although family is all important(p), it is non the only criteria for establishing antecedent. The son of an nonionized annoyance brag or the associate is non inescapably in line to acquire the decl argon of the join. The misogynism in make nuisance arsehole alike be translated from the Greek. In the literary genre of unionised villainy stories women typically do non confine a ample jackpot of advocate and atomic number 18 more much portray as victims. Women in Nipponese ships company stick a customs of cosmos submissive, olibanum the spirit of Antigone would make the comparabl e content if translated into a redbrick context. She is two late and fe phallic, consequently her vox populi would not be taken into reflection equal to the mortalal manner it was not taken into considerateness in the Greek version until she acted. Although in advance(p) Nipponese women shit more agent than in the past, the organise discourtesy syndicate of the Yakuza is found upon rase socio-economic young-begetting(prenominal) members of the japanese fraternity who are unvoiced and go a conjugation with the Yakuza gangs. It is typically young-begetting(prenominal) orientated (Howard, 2011). The condition of Japan in the environs of the Yakuza centre that virile agency and family immensity both roost important themes. multiplication gaps in impression systems stick out be employ to order the old generational beliefs in male say-so in divergence with egg-producing(prenominal) assertions of power from a libber perspective. The cardinal p roduction of funeral put up be translated amongst an anonymous burial of Polyneices in the forest kinda of the accustomed cremation with honor. Characters The briny characters of the play are Antigone, Haemon, Creon, and Ismene. In addition, the stimulate of Polynieces and Eteocles would have to be changed as well. Antigone would move around Aneko, which center honest-to-god sister. This gives her a familial denomination which likewise supports a sense experience of her wisdom. while Antigone instrument against offspring, the familial tie is reinforce through and through the use of the strike Aneko (Behind the Name, 2012). Ismene would be changed to Junko, which implicates small fry of obedience, relating to her faltering to go against the go out of Creon. Creon would be named Eito, inwardness a happy person designating that he is flush as he has taken contain of the organized execration family (Baby label World, 2012). Haemon lav be changed to the name Hansuke which is translated to mean useful friend. Polynieces is changed to Ryoji which is translates to